Red Flags Exposed in Fiona Harvey’s Piers Morgan Interview About Richard Gadd’s ‘Baby Reindeer’

  • The Netflix show ’Baby Reindeer’ by Richard Gadd is branded as a true story.

    In the show, the character Martha harasses Gadd’s character, Donny.

    Allegedly, Martha is based on Fiona Harvey.

    However, in her interview with Piers Morgan, Harvey denies harassing Gadd.

    “That’s simply not true”, Harvey says.

    However, are things as simple as that? To find out, this in-depth statement analysis focuses on Harvey’s objections and denials.

    What do her word choice and behavior reveal about her? Are Harvey’s statements reliable?
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    You can use many of the principles and concepts to decode interviews, speeches, and your own daily conversations.

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