Why The Game Awards are "Rigged" (But Not the Way You Might Think)

  • The Game Awards 2022 were rigged! But not the way you might think.

    The truth is, there's no grand conspiracy, no attempts to install a particular game as the Game of the Year.

    By all accounts, Elden Ring won because, hey, it's actually a really solid game.
    No, the bias within The Game Awards is more subtle than that.

    Even the jurors themselves don't completely realise that they're showing bias.

    The Game Awards is rigged in that the systems in place for judging - the selection of journalists who get a vote, the categories that earn awards - are chosen to push towards specific winners.
    It has to be so, as otherwise, every award would end up as messy as Genshin Impact vs Sonic Frontiers.

    Just a scrappy, embarrassing social media war between two mega brands and the players who are able to shout the loudest.
    Lots of love,
    BretonStripes and Kotor
    Sources for this video:

    Category : Games and Entertainment


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