Behind the Scenes | Journey of Remembering Season 2 with Matías De Stefano

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    What begins as another initiatic voyage soon evolves into a crucial endeavor to mend the planet's magnetic field.

    Through harnessing the power of feminine voices and aiding in releasing the planet’s embedded sword, Matías furthers his contribution to our collective evolution.
    This extraordinary adventure uncovers the hidden wisdom of Great Britain's Chakra system, leading us through ancient Druid ceremonies, and culminating at the Ring of Brodgar, where Matías celebrates his 36th birthday with newfound clarity, invigorated purpose and blossoming community.
    Join Matías as he connects with the wise Merlins and leads a group of initiates along the sacred path of stone circles through Great Britain's chakra system.

    Season 2 promises an unforgettable journey marked by profound connections, exceptional challenges, invigorated purpose, and unshakeable revelations.
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    Category : Behind the Scenes


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